Wednesday, August 19, 2009

personality typing

This last weekend, my roommates and I all took personality tests then had a rather enjoyable time reading through our results. It was kind of incredible how accurate they all were. The type of test we took was a Myer-Briggs (or something like that) personality test. Here is a quick summary of my results:

I am an ISTJ. That means that I am 

  • are interested in their own thoughts and feelings
  • need to have own territory
  • often appear reserved, quiet and thoughtful
  • usually do not have many friends
  • have difficulties in making new contacts
  • like concentration and quiet
  • do not like unexpected visits and therefore do not make them
  • work well alone
  • see everyone and sense everything
  • live in the here and now
  • quickly adapt to any situation
  • like pleasures based on physical sensation
  • are practical and active
  • are realistic and self-confident
  • are interested in systems, structures, patterns
  • expose everything to logical analysis
  • are relatively cold and unemotional
  • evaluate things by intellect and right or wrong
  • have difficulties talking about feelings
  • do not like to clear up arguments or quarrels
  • do not like to leave unanswered questions
  • plan work ahead and tend to finish it
  • do not like to change their decisions
  • have relatively stable workability
  • easily follow rules and discipline
All of the information that I have listed can be found here. There are lots of other places that you can find out more information about your specific "type". We had a lot of fun with it and learned a lot. And, like I said earlier, interesting how accurate it is.

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