Friday, February 29, 2008

leap year

I figured that since leap year only comes around once every four years that it ought to be celebrated in style. Rather than just observing the day like I would any other, I looked up some random facts about leap year and why it is special...

1. The chance of being born on leap year is about 1 in 1500

2. There are about 187,000 people in the US and 4 million people in the world who were born on February 29th.

3. The leap year phenomenon was created in 46 B.C, and later amended, when Julius Caesar realized that the number of days in a year did not exactly coincide with how long it actually took the earth to rotate around the sun.

4. It is said that on February 29th, ladies may propose marriage to any single gentleman, and he will be cursed with bad luck should he turn her down.

5. According to English law, February 29th was ignored and had no legal status.

6. There is now in existence the Worldwide Leap Year Birthday Club and the Worldwide Leap Year Festival.

7. Century years are leap years if they were divisible by 400. So, 2000 was a Leap Year, but 1900 was not.

8. Today our year is 365.2425 days, off from our solar year by .00031, or one day's error over 4,000 years.

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