In the hustle and bustle of finals week, many people come and others go. This particular semester, a couple of my roommates moved out and a new one moved in. One of the above mentioned roommates that moved out had her name on the gas bill. I am sure that one day she mentioned in passing that one of us remaining girls would need to put our names on the gas bill in order to continue being serviced because she had removed her name (which only makes sense). Being the busy college girls that we are none of us thought anything more of this little encounter. That is until yesterday anyway.
When I woke up yesterday morning, I noticed that my house was a little colder than it normally is. I looked at the thermometer and sure enough, it was a mere 62 degrees. Because our thermometer occasionally gives out and decides to stop heating the house I figured that was the problem. So, I hit it a couple times, made sure that it was set to 70 degrees and went on with my day thinking that this would remedy the problem as it has in the past. Later on I went to the gym. When I got home I was fully anticipating a nice warm shower. Unfortunately, that is not what I got. It was freezing right from the get go. Not even 10 seconds of warm water. This time I decided to blame it on my roommates thinking that they had probably both showered in the not so distant past and went on with my day. Not much later, with my house still feeling not so warm, I decided to check the thermometer again. It once again confirmed my suspicions by showing that it was now 64 degrees. It had been at least a couple hours and normally it has corrected its folly in that amount of time.
At this point I started to get a teensy bit suspicious. Freezing cold water and the heater not working? Something had to be up. That is when I put two and two together and realized that none of us had put our names on the gas bill. It was the beginning of a new month and as far as the gas company was concerned nobody wanted nor needed gas in our apartment. Then it gets even better. In my quick research to figure out how to fix this little situation that we were in I looked up Questar Gas and tried to find a way to let them know that we would appreciate our gas being turned back on. Turns out that Questar is only open Monday-Friday. Luckily it has been decently warm outside this weekend, unlike the last few, so none of us has frozen to death yet. Assuming that all goes well, we will be having warm showers tomorrow. Probably not until the afternoon though.
Good thing that it is May is all that I can say.